Failure is the pillar of success | Story Writing

Read the following story. It is not complete. Use the clues, complete the story and give it a title.

Robert Bruce was a famous king. His kingdom was invaded by enemies. The king fought bravely but was defeated in the battle. He had to save his life. He fled away from his kingdom and took a shelter in a remote cave-----

Failure is the pillar of success.

Robert Bruce was a famous king. His kingdom was invaded by enemies. The king fought bravely but was defeated in the battle. He had to save his life. He fled away from his kingdom and took a shelter in a remote cave. He was thinking about his kingdom. He was only thinking and thinking. At that time he saw that a spider was trying to climb the top of the wall. But it failed again. It failed six times. At the seventh attempt the spider was successful to reach the top of the wall. Robert Bruce noticed this. He thought that it was a great lesson for him, he should not idle away his time. Rather he should try again and again to regain his kingdom. . Inspired by a spider the king decided to attack enemies. This time he made his soldiers strong and attacked them. Finally he could regain his kingdom.

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A Greedy Farmer | Story Writing

Read the following story. It is not complete. Use the clues, complete the story and give it a title.

Once in a village there lived a very greedy farmer. He had a goose, which gave a golden egg daily. By selling it began to grow richer and richer. But he was so greedy that he wanted become very rich ------------------------.

A Greedy Farmer
Once in a village there lived a very greedy farmer. He had a goose, which gave a golden egg daily. By selling it began to grow richer and richer. But he was so greedy that he wanted become very rich over might. So he slaughtered the goose to get all the eggs at a time. But he found no eggs and became frustrated and lamented for his too much greed.

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The frogs and the boys | Story witing

Read the following story. It is not complete. Use the clues, complete the story and give it a title.

There was a pond full of frogs. Some of them often put their heads out of the water and croaked loudly. One day some boys were playing by the side pf the pond. When they hear the frogs croaking--------
                                                  The frogs and the boys

There was a pond full of frogs. Some of them often put their heads out of the water and croaked loudly. One day some boys were playing by the side pf the pond. When they hear the frogs croaking, they began to pelt them. Some of the frogs became seriously wounded. But the frogs had no ability to stop them. They requested them again and again but it was of no response.
The boys enjoyed much for doing this. But the frogs fell in a danger. The boy’s play was similar to danger to them. They requested the boys not to throw the stones any more. They said also your play is just like danger to us. The boys got ashamed and ran away from there. 

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Nature is not changeable/The ungrateful snake | Story Writing

Read the following story. It is not complete. Use the clues, complete the story and give it a title.

 It was a day of bitter cold. A farmer was passing by a bush. He saw a snake almost dead in cold. The farmer felt pity for the snake and brought it home. He lit fire and warmed the snake up. He gave a cup of milk to the snake to drink.-----------------.
               Nature is not changeable/The ungrateful snake

It was a day of bitter cold. A farmer was passing by a bush. He saw a snake almost dead in cold. The farmer felt pity for the snake and brought it home. He lit fire and warmed the snake up. He gave a cup of milk to the snake to drink. After drinking milk, the snake became all right. Sometimes he played with the farmer’s son but later on he spread its hood and was about to bite him. The farmer was standing nearby. He realized that a venomous snake couldn’t be believed. So the farmer took the stick and hit the snake with sticks. The snake was killed.

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The Golden Touch | Story Writing

Read the following story about Midas. The passage is not complete.  Use your imagination and complete the story. Give a title to it.

 Once there was a king called Midas. He was very rich. Rich people are not ever satisfied. They want more and more. They more they have, they more they want. The king was not satisfied.--------------------------------

                        The Golden Touch

Once there was a king called Midas. He was very rich. Rich people are not ever satisfied. They want more and more. They more they have, they more they want. The king was not satisfied. For this, he prayed to God to get more gold. The God granted his prayer.  In that moment his little daughter came to him. The king touched her and she became a solid gold and could not move. The king was very sad to see that. He understood the fact. Then he prayed to God again to return his blessing. The God returned back it. So we came to know that excess of anything very bad.

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Environment Pollution-Paragraph

Environment is the most important factor of our life.Fresh environment is the precondition of our sound life.But the environment we live in is not fresh.It is polluted.The three factors of our environment water,air and sound are polluted for many reasons.Air is polluted mainly by the smoke that comes out from the chimneys of the factories and from motor cars,buses etc.Water is polluted by chemicals,insecticides,waste material of mills and factories, fuel oil, food waste and human waste etc. Which are thrown into water and mixed with it sound pollution caused by the indiscriminate use of hydraulic horn and loud rpeaker leads to deafness and creates many other health problems.Thus environment pollution threatens man with life causing a lot of harms.We should not allow this situation to continue.Positive steps should be taken to prevent environment pollution.

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A Winter Morning- Paragraph

We will read a paragraph about A Winter Morning- Paragraph. Lats go for read.

A Winter Morning- Paragraph:

A winter morning is misty and cold. There is dense fog everywhere. Sometimes the fog is so dense that the sun rays cannot seen. Even things at a little distance can hardly be seen. Bird's chipping is not heard. The any and other animals cannot come out. 

Few drops fall on leaves and blades of grass at night. They look like glittering pearls when the says of the morning run falls on it. The poor have hardly warm clothes. The gather straw and dry leaves to make fire to warm themselves. 

People in general and children get up a winter morning we enjoy delicious and sweet baker. Payer of date juice and many other things. The scene of the winter morning vanishes as the day advances. A winter morning has both advantage and disadvantage. The rich enjoy the winter morning while the poor suffer a lot from it.

We hope this paragraph will help you a lot of.thank you for read A Winter Morning- Paragraph.

Tag: a winter morning paragraph, a winter morning in bangladesh paragraph, paragraph about a winter morning, a winter morning paragraph writing, a winter morning paragraph correct

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